Wednesday, November 12, 2014

P-Bar Ranch House Site

P-Bar Ranch House Site
16100 E Palisades Blvd.
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
(Located in the Fountain Hills High School Parking Lot)

When I was in Fountain Hills, AZ this past weekend, I decided to stop by the site of the P-Bar Ranch. A monument was erected in the parking lot of the Fountain Hills High School to commemorate the former location of this ranch house. The P-Bar Ranch had a significant impact on the town of Fountain Hills as the town is now built on land which was once part of this ranch.

Below is a short write up on the P-Bar Ranch from the River of Time Museum website along with some photos I took this weekend. If you are ever in Fountain Hills, I highly recommend stopping by this museum for a great overview of the local history of the area. (
"Fountain Hills and McDowell Mountain Park was once a 30,000+ acre cattle ranch. Homesteaded in the early 1900s by Henry Pemberton, the ranch passed to pioneers "Pink" Cole and son Bill, then to Lee and Delsie Barkdoll in 1935, and to Delsie and second husband Dick Robbins. During the Barkdoll/Robbins years (1935-1955), area cattlemen pastured and watered their stock on the P-Bar for about a dollar a month per head and one cent per pound gained. Fort McDowell Indians helped with the roundups." (


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